Monday, March 31, 2025

“You Can’t Fix Me” by Yoste

This song was released about two years ago on Yoste’s A Few Brief Moments EP, so it’s not exactly new by any means, but if you’re an avid reader of Rage Robot, you’re well aware of the fact that the age of a song does not determine if we post it or not. Especially if the music strikes a chord or two with one of our writers and is off the charts awesome, so here we go!

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You Can’t Fix Me” will capture your heart right from the jump with a full-on dose of lyricism served up impeccably by Yoste. As the song progresses, the beat slowly builds, paving the path for an onslaught of infectious vocals and an unforgettable chorus breakdown that will ring in your head for days.

The composition of this track seems relatively simple but is exponentially complex emotionally, making for an all-out rollercoaster of excitement from beginning to end. We’ll be sure to do a bit of research on anything new Yoste has released, but for now, we’ll be vibing to “You Can’t Fix Me” for a whole minute!

“You Can’t Fix Me” by Yoste

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Graphic Designer, Business Owner, Music Enthusiast

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