Monday, March 31, 2025

“My Chemical Romance” by RØRY

If you’re an avid reader of Rage Robot, you’re well aware of our obsession with the London-based singer-songwriter and producer RØRY. Her music is impactful and filled with emotion, making every song she serves up an absolute hit.

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This morning we had the pleasure of checking out her latest release, “My Chemical Romance,” and fell head over heels for the lyricism. The track tells the story of lost love and the fire that burns inside when reminiscing on old times with that person. The song is relatable and performed in an alt/rock/pop fashion that will ignite a genuine love for this song, and no doubt have you hitting replay over and over again once it ends.

Stay tuned to Rage Robot for the latest and greatest from RØRY in the future; we might start our own little personal fan club for her!

“My Chemical Romance” by RØRY

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Graphic Designer, Business Owner, Music Enthusiast

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