Thursday, March 13, 2025

Terror Jr “Loved By You”

This song is about a year old so it’s not new by any means but ever since I got my first impression of Terror Jr Youtube has been playing them on “My Mixtape” and I gotta say I am falling in love. There is absolutely nothing better than epic production pared with beautiful vocals and Terror Jr serves up just that in just about every song they release.

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“Loved By You” will capture your attention right from the jump with infectious vocals that guide the listener smoothly into the record as the beat builds. As soon as you are introduced to the chorus you’ll begin to hear the real magic behind this track. The drop and hook and dance inspired with a twist of emotional vibes that culminate a record that proves to be memorable. This track will ring in your head for a minute after it has ended and it’s because of that fact that we love this song!

We’ll be sure to keep an eye out for newer records from Terror Jr but for now, we’ll be raging out to “Loved By You” for the rest of the year!

Terror Jr “Loved By You”

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Graphic Designer, Business Owner, Music Enthusiast

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