Friday, March 28, 2025


I actually hopped on a live stream from GETTER earlier today! We were excited to be introduced to more than a few songs he has been working on including a short preview of his new EP. Instagram kept interrupting the stream for infringement but it was still awesome to vibe out with GETTER for a bit none the less!

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With the anticipation of his new EP NAPALM coming out on October 30th GETTER just dropped a solid little track to hold his fans over until the full project is released.

BAD ACID” is quite the journey, to say the least. This psychedelic masterpiece will pull you in with some serious bass and masterfully composed chaos layered with mind-melting vocals that will ring in your head for days. The song is bold, eccentric and will no doubt leave you wanting more. I found myself hitting the replay button over and over only to find pick up on new elements every time I listened through.

We’ll be on the lookout for new music from GETTER a.k.a Terror Reid in the future but for now, we’ll be raging out to “BAD ACID” for the rest of the month!


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Graphic Designer, Business Owner, Music Enthusiast

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