Friday, March 28, 2025

RØRY: The Rage Robot Interview – Rage Robot

At Rage Robot, our goal first and for most is to shine a light on up-and-coming artists who have excelled in the music world. When it comes to hard-working musicians UK based singer/songwriter Roxanne Emery, better known by her stage name RØRY has begun to make her mark on the industry in a big way. Her ability to create music, not only for herself but for other artists leaves a lasting impression on fans all around the world!

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RØRY has made a name for herself as a writer from the start of her career, but more recently has found international recognition when the release of Sam Feldt‘s “Post Malone” single featuring Rani took the airwaves by storm. It became clear to musicians and fans alike that her ability to write relatable and catchy records was a talent that shouldn’t be ignored and has boosted her career to the point that she is ready to begin releasing original records of her own!

How Rage Robot’s Love For RØRY Began

Our love for RØRY began when we heard her collaboration with EDM heavy-hitter Mitis. The song “Try” is a melodic single that leaves a lasting impression on anyone who hears it and further solidified our fandom of RØRY when we heard the acoustic rendition of the track. RØRY’s passion and love for her craft shines so bright that it sparked our interest, and so began our deep dive into RØRY and her career. After hearing her latest single, “Fuck Fame,” we felt it was time to reach out and see if we could get in touch with the artist we had fallen so deeply in love with!

MitiS – Try (Ft. RØRY) Acoustic Rendition

RØRY: The Rage Robot Interview

For those who have yet to experience your amazingness, who is RØRY?
The product of a lot of healing, sobriety, therapy, wigs, poetry,  and autotune. I started RØRY because of my chronic low self esteem and imposter syndrome, no matter how hard I tried to show up as Roxanne (my birth name) I would always sabotage it. So I created this bad ass character, someone way cooler than I could ever be. I honestly felt like two different people at the start – over the past couple of years I have realised I am both people. I too am a bad ass bitch. 😁🤟🏽

How has writing music for others in the past shaped your own personal singles/music?
Writing for others has absolutely allowed me to understand what songs are mine, and what songs belong to others. When I first got back into music, I was still very anxious and believed I needed to keep songs for fear of losing good records to other artists. But as my artistic expression grew I realised the songs I wanted to release were ones everyone else would actually turn down – they’d be too personal, too specific, sometimes too offensive. I love writing for others, it brings and fun and I hold it a lot less tightly than writing for myself. But writing for myself, it’s deeply personal, often a song will bring me to tears in the writing process as a deep emotion comes out.

Is there a memorable moment that has stood out in your career so far as being the most memorable?
When fuck fame (my first single) came out and got really good Spotify and Apple Music support and I just thought… damn after all these years feeling like a failure, or trying, or desperation. I am now doing exactly what I wanted. It’s am amazing feeling. 

Your style/look has a solid punk/punk rock sort of vibe. What inspires your style?
I grew up listening to punk rock and was always an emo kid. But I grew out of that style and became more “normal”. I never liked how I looked, I was always so deeply ashamed of my body, and clothes. I’d wear plain, baggy clothes to try and hide. When I started RØRY I was able to break out of that negative self image, I chose items I LOVED and that made me happy. Originally that wardrobe was meant for photo shoots but I started wearing it on a trip down Tesco and that’s when I knew I had found confidence again. Sometimes we think making ourselves smaller keeps us safe, but maybe it’s making ourselves bigger? I have really connected with my teenage style and have so much fun with fashion and making my own clothes. 

What was the vibe in the studio when you were recording your latest single “FUCK FAME”; who were you with? who helped shape it?
The song actually began with me alone in my bedroom studio. This was before I got sober, so I would have been drunk and most likely high. So somewhere between 10 cans of strongbow and passing out from a weed brownie I would have sat at my little midi keyboard and just sang what I was feeling. The basic version of the song sat on my private sound cloud for 2 years, I was still dealing with low self esteem and struggled to show anyone. Then a producer I work with a lot, James Lewis, asked me one day if I had written anything alone. I played him fuck fame, he loved it and helped me finish it. 

RØRY – Fuck Fame


If you could have lunch with any person in the world dead or alive who would it be and why? 

Always, my Mum, Linda Angela Teresa Emery who passed away of cancer in 2006. 


Catch More From RØRY on Rage Robot In The Future

We can’t thank RØRY and the people over at Tile Yard Music for taking the time to collaborate and make this interview a reality. Our love for this musician has grown to new heights and created some serious anticipation for what RØRY has in store for the future! We’ll be sure to keep you posted with the latest and greatest from RØRY, but for now, we’ll be rocking out to “Fuck Fame” for a good long while!

Cheers to RØRY and her entire team from the!

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Graphic Designer, Business Owner, Music Enthusiast

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