Thursday, March 13, 2025

“Crazy” by Bazzi

While working out this morning I was pleasantly introduced to the musical stylings of American singer, songwriter, and record producer Bazzi! His latest record “Crazy” fueled the rest of my workout and has since been on repeat all day.

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“Crazy” will capture your attention right from the jump with a solid vibe on the beat that provides an upbeat/mellow vibe on the track. Bazzi’s effortlessly cool vocals are melodic, well-received, and will ring you head for days after the song has ended making for an unforgettable record perfect for any playlist you choose to add it to.

This is the first impression of Bassi we have had on Rage Robot but after hearing “Crazy” I have no doubt it won’t be our last! I’ll be on the lookout for more music from Bazzi in the future but for now, we’ll be rocking out to “Crazy” for the rest of the month!

“Crazy” by Bazzi

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Graphic Designer, Business Owner, Music Enthusiast

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