Thursday, March 13, 2025

“FeelingFor” by Morgan Gold

Morgan Gold is an up-and-coming artist based in Chicago, Illinois. Her knack for soulful rhythmic music has captured our attention in a big way and led us to do a total deep dive into her musical portfolio. While we were pretty intrigued by everything we heard on her Spotify channel, it was “FeelingFor” that stuck out to us as a favorite, so, of course, we had to share it!

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“FeelingFor” is a chilled-out record featuring a downtempo mysterious vibe on the beat that sets the tone for the entire song. Morgan’s vocals are cool, well-received, and will ring in your head for days after the song has ended, making for an unforgettable track.

Morgan Gold recently released her 5-track EP, “Spotlight.” While we have yet to give the entire project a listen, we’re willing to bet there are a few more golden eggs in the project. We’ll be sure to check it out and report back right here on Rage Robot with our favorites.

In the meantime, hit the play button below and get ready to vibe out. “FealingFor” is a whole mood tho!

“FeelingFor” by Morgan Gold

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Graphic Designer, Business Owner, Music Enthusiast

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