Saturday, February 22, 2025

“get what you need” by Zeds Dead

If you’re a fan of Zeds Dead, then there’s no doubt in my mind when you hear their name, you instantly think of some of the sickest dubstep DUBBZZ and WUBBZZZ in the game. While the duo is 100% known for their EDM artistry, it seems they have stepped out of their comfort zone and released a new mixtape dubbed “Catching Z’s” with a more mellow tempo. While I have yet to listen to the entire project, there is one song that I can’t seem to take off repeat.

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get what you need” is an easy-going drum and bass hit that will capture your attention right from the jump with an energetic vibe on the beat. The song is professionally produced and will catch you off guard with more than a few unexpected musical breaks and drops. Layered with simple vocals throughout this song is simple yet bold and will make a lasting impression on anyone who gives it a full listen.

You can bet your butt I have every intention of checking out the entire tape in the morning. I’ll e sure to report back here with my favorite songs for sure, but until then, hit play below and get ready for a ride “get what you need” is simply amazing!

“get what you need” by Zeds Dead

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Graphic Designer, Business Owner, Music Enthusiast

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